Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Halloween Weekend!

My handsome Apollo, dressed up as a lion. He is so tolerant :)
Cycle 7 was a really tough one for me, as made obvious in my previous post. It took me longer to move past that yuck feeling and stop myself from obsessing that I just can't ever get pregnant. I am feeling better now though and I'm trying to stay positive. Lucky number seven, right?! If we were to get pregnant this cycle, we would likely find out on our Panama cruise. That could be a good or bad thing, depending on the result.

I am very proud of myself this week. After my BFF and I made our pact, I was on a roll. Monday we cycled for 15 miles, Tuesday we ran at the track, Wednesday we did P90X, and yesterday I did Couch to 5K on our treadmill for 30 minutes. Woot! Nothing tonight, but P90X and/or treadmill both days this weekend. I am hoping for some change in my weight on Sunday. And by change, I mean I hope that it has gone down. Even if it hasn't, it feels good to be working out so much.

Our landscaper starts removing all of the dead sod/weeds tomorrow morning and said he hopes to be completely done with the sprinklers & new sod by Wednesday, depending on the weather. EEEE! I am so excited to see it all done!

Our neighbors must be wondering about our front yard! It is certainly dead, and that was the goal.


"When witches go riding,
and black cats are seen,
the moon laughs and whispers,
‘tis near Halloween."
Author Unknown
Happy Halloween everyone! xoxo, Mrs. B

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