TTC #1 Journey

August 1999 - Started dating
April 2010 - Married and started trying to have a baby
June 2011 - Referred to Dr. A, our RE
June 2011 - Diagnostic Tests:
Semen Analysis, CD3 bloodwork, 7dpo bloodwork and HSG = All Normal
Sperm penetration test, aka “Hamster Test” = Normal

July 2011 - Clomid + IUI #1 
3 follies: 31mm and 24mm on left, 18mm on right
Post wash counts: 20 million and 23 million
IUI 1.1 on 7/14/11
IUI 1.2 on 7/15/11
CD4 u/s
CD12 u/s
CD13 u/s + hCG trigger shot
Progesterone b/w = 17
Pregnancy + progesterone blood draw BFN on HPT

August 2011 - Clomid + IUI #2 
2 follies: 26mm on left, 28mm on right
Post wash counts: 31 million and 34 million
IUI 2.1 on 8/12/11
IUI 2.2 on 8/13/11
CD3 u/s
CD12 u/s + hCG trigger shot
Progesterone b/w = 21
Pregnancy + progesterone blood draw BFN on HPT

September 2011 - Clomid + IUI #3
1 follie: 25mm on left
Post wash counts: 70 million and 45 million
IUI 3.1 on 9/12/11
IUI 3.2 on 9/13/11
CD3 u/s
CD12 u/s
CD14 u/s + hCG trigger shot
Sep 7th Acupuncture
Sep 15th Acupuncture
Sep 19th  Acupuncture
Progesterone b/w = ?
Pregnancy + progesterone blood draw BFN on HPT

October 2011 - Treatment Break. Vacation to Florida!

November 2011 - Injectables + IUI #4
Antral follicle count: 14
CD3 - CD5: 100 IU Follistim 
CD6 - CD7: 75 IU Follistim 
CD8 - CD9: 50 IU Follistim 
Post wash counts: 36.5 million and 20.5 million 
Oct 24th Acupuncture
CD3 u/s 
CD6 u/s and estrogen b/w  = 200 {R: 14,13,12,12,11 / L: 11,11,13,11}
CD8 u/s and estrogen b/w  = ? {R: 17,19,14,17 / L: 17,16,17 / lining 8.8mm}
CD10 u/s and 1mg Lupron trigger. {R: 24,19,19,18 / L: 19,18,18 / lining 10.1mm} 
IUI 4.1 on 11/6/11
IUI 4.2 on 11/7/11
Nov 7th acupuncture
Progesterone b/w = 14
BFP on HPT @ 11dpo on 11/18/11 {My first ever BFP!!!!!}
Beta #1 @ 14dpo {11/21/11}: 125 / Progesterone: 37 
Beta #2 @ 16dpo: 301
Beta #3 @ 18dpo: 822
Progesterone suppositories until 12 weeks
First ultrasound: 11/20/11 at 4w6d. One gestational sac.


December 2011
6w u/s 12/5/11: One gestational sac and yolk sac visible. 
7w u/s 12/12/11: One flickering heart beat <3 
8w1d u/s12/20/11: Baby measured 19.9mm (8w4d) 
9w1d u/s 12/27/11: Baby measured 25.3mm (9w2d) 

January 2012
10w1d u/s 1/3/12: Baby measured 34.8mm (10w3d) 
11w u/s 1/9/12: Baby measured 46.9mm (11w3d)
12w1d u/s 1/17/12: Baby barely fit on the screen & measured 57.8mm. We graduated from the RE!
12w4d NT scan 1/20/12: Baby looks great and we saw boy parts!

February 2012
15w Early Gender Scan 2/6/12: Confirmed baby is a boy :) 

March 2012 
18w4d Anatomy Scan 3/2/12: Everything looks good and baby is still a boy. 

May 2012
27w4d Growth Scan 5/4/12: Baby measured 2 lbs 11oz, 75th percentile for size.

July 2012
36w4d Growth Scan 7/6/12: Baby measured 7lbs 7oz, 88th percentile for size.