Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Back from the dead.

I just survived the Black Plague. Wowza.

It all started with a cough last Thursday evening. Since then I had a fever, the chills, a hacking cough, congestion, headache, nausea, dizziness and body aches. I was miserable. I am finally feeling human again today. And good thing, because I had my doctor appointment this afternoon.

I met my PCP for the first time. I really liked her. She gave me a lab slip for CD3 bloodwork to check my hormone levels, some recommendations for an OB/GYN, and asked that Mr. B have a semen analysis. She said the SA is really the place to start. I called the Mr.'s doctor to get a lab slip for him to do his thing, so they are calling me back tomorrow. Everything I expected. I am excited to hopefully get some answers. Of course I really hope that we won't have to worry about any of this, but you know my track record for staying positive about each cycle. ::sigh::

We will be out of town this weekend with family, but I am planning to work on house stuff again the following weekend. I still have my eyes peeled for orange accent pieces. Pun intended :)

Mrs. B

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