My little boog-a-loog is one month old! I can't believe it!
He loves:
- Eating! We have the breast feeding down, and as long as he gets to eat at the first hunger signs, he is a happy baby. My nips still hurt, but I am sure it will continue to get better. The Lanolin helps a lot. He is exclusively breast fed and I pump once a day and freeze it. I want to build up a good stash for when I go back to work in January. I usually get 5-6 oz in a 10-15 minute pumping session. I definitely do not have supply problems. I love my Lansinoh disposable breast pads - I would be covered in milk otherwise.
- The SwaddleMe wraps. They are seriously my favorite baby item. He can't get them off like a regular swaddle blanket, I can change his diaper in the middle of the night without taking it all the way off and he sleeps so well in them.
- His swinging/vibrating seat. He usually naps in it or sits in it with us in the kitchen when we cook.
- Being in the Ergo. He loves to be carried around in it. It's perfect for grocery shopping, Target trips and beach visits.
- His stroller. I started going on walks with him, since it has cooled down for a few days, and he enjoys it.
- Staring. He loves to watch our faces, stare in the mirror, watch the kitties and Apollo. He is quite fascinated with things. He is tracking things with his eyes very well.
- Tummy time. He is very strong and lifts his head up a lot, especially if we use the Boppy. He also pushes really hard with his feet and was moving himself across my in-laws carpet!
He does NOT like:
- The bulb syringe. He hates when I get his boogers, although he's getting better.
- Being strapped into his car seat. Sometimes. Other times he is fine and falls asleep.
- Being cold. Cold baby wipes can sometimes be a problem. I can see the need for a wipe warmer.
- He smiles at me :) He smiles and laughs in his sleep almost every day, but these times he was wide awake. I was smiling and laughing at him. My heart melted!
- He no longer fits in his newborn clothes, so he is wearing his 0-3 month and some 3 month stuff. The sizes vary so much by brand.
- He is wearing size 1 diapers, and has been for the last week. We have mastered the quick diaper change after being peed and pooped on several times. That is always the most fun at 3am ;)
- He slept 5 1/2 hours on Thursday night! Woohoo! He normally gives me 3 to 4 hour stretches every night. He sleeps great - definitely got that from his Momma.
Happy One Month, baby boy! Mommy and Daddy love you so much.