Monday, February 10, 2014


IUI #4 didn't work. We are crushed. On top of that, I have been suffering with migraines the past four days, plus something messed up my stomach. I couldn't eat, I wasn't sleeping, I've been on pain meds and anti-nausea meds for several days. It's been pure hell. I'm not 100% for my husband or for my son. A failed cycle is so much more than just not being pregnant, for me. It's much more misery than just the heartbreak and some period cramps. Infertility can go f*^k off.

We have a consult with Dr. A on February 27th to discuss what to do next.

IUI #4 details:

January 2014 - IUI #4 + Follistim
CD3 - CD5: 125iu Follistim
CD6 - CD7: 150iu Follistim
CD8 - CD9: 125iu Follistim

CD1 1/16/14
CD3 baseline u/s
CD6 u/s and b/w = all follicles 10mm and under, E2 = 79
CD8 u/s and b/w = nothing on the left / 16 and 17on the right, lining = 7.5, E2 = 232
CD10 u/s = 25, 24, 20, 18 and 17 on the right, lining = 9.2mm. hCG trigger shot. 
CD11 IUI 4.1 = 55 million post wash sperm count
CD12 IUI 4.2 = 35 million post wash sperm count
7dpiui Progesterone b/w = 17


  1. NOOOOOOO :'( So freaking sorry, Megan. Sending prayers of health and peace to you.

  2. So sorry Megan! I'm praying that the next step will bring you what you're longing for. Thinking of you. xoxo.

  3. I'm so sorry Megan. :( IF is so unfair.

  4. I am so sorry. This is so, so very unfair. I'm thinking about you and hoping your appointment goes well. Xo

  5. I'm sorry, Megan. I've been MIA from the blog world for awhile and was hoping for good news for you. I hope your appointment gives you some hope!
