Monday, November 21, 2011

Our lives are changed forever

In the best way possible :) I'm pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot believe it. We are both in complete shock.

The short story:
I started testing Friday, November 18th at 11dpo, and I saw a second line for the first time ever. I have been getting positive tests since then. Beta #1 is today.

The long story, of things I don't want to forget about that day:
When I took the first test, I was home alone on a Friday afternoon. I don't know what made me test. I was planning to the next morning, but I just couldn't wait. I quickly looked at the test, didn't see a second line and promptly dumped the pee out of the cup. I looked again and there was something there. I really couldn't believe it. I just stared and then started shaking. I burst into happy tears and called Nick. Of course he couldn't believe it and told me to test ten more times {and I couldn't because I dumped the pee, ha!}. He told me he was heading home from work right away, and asked me to email him a photo of the test. Can you tell how shocked he was too?!

I called all the people I promised I would if this moment ever happened. My Mom was first. I was crying and shaking when I told her. She exclaimed "oh my God" for probably 15 minutes straight :) She was really excited. She told me she would have my Dad call me since he was at work. Then I called my sister. Her and I had just talked hours earlier about when I was going to test and how nervous we were to find out if this worked. I called her while she was trying on clothes. She burst into happy tears right along with me. We both realized that was the only time we can remember crying for something happy. I called my best friend and she text me back that she was working. I told her to just call me when she's off. That freaked her out! She was so worried something was wrong. When she called, I told her the news and we laughed and cried and talked about the future. She kept me on the phone when she told her boyfriend and I heard him cheering in the background, so excited. That moved me to tears. I love those two so much. It's so amazing how wonderful and supportive our family and friends have been. Nick and I called his parents together and they were super excited too, and they rarely get that way. Both his Dad and Mom are planning all kinds of things for this baby already. I feel so filled with love. It's amazing.

I have experienced every emotion these past several days; excitement for what's to come, fear for what I know can still happen, and guilt after telling my IF friends. It's still very early, but I keep telling myself that "today, I am pregnant."

Thank you again to everyone who has been so wonderful and supportive. I love you all.



  1. Oh Congratulations!! I am so happy for you and I'm praying that your entire pregnancy is so easy after all you went through to get to this point! Yay!!

  2. OMG!! How wonderful! I have to tell you this gives me hope! I know that you have waited a long time but this is great news for everyone struggling with TTC. Enjoy every minute of it and we are all so super happy for you!Congratulations!

  3. Congrats, I am so SO so happy for you. I cant wait to hear all about your journey through pregnancy and being a mom! (its the best feeling in the world!)

  4. I'm so incredibly happy for you and Nick!!!!

  5. OH MY GOD! Congratulations sweetheart! I knew this cycle was going to end this way - I just had a feeling! XOXOXOX!

  6. I'm a dirty lurker and I don't even know if you remember me, but I'm so incredibly happy to read this post! This absolutely just made my night. Congratulations times a million!
