My list for IUI #2:
14 things to do before I am 14dpiui
1. Go hiking with Apollo
2. Clean out & organize our closests
3. Go to the Del Mar horse races with my family {birthday gift from my Mom}
4. Finish reading Water for Elephants
5. Fill the four empty photo frames I bought
6. Bring lunch to work every day
7. Eat dinner at home on weekdays
8. Pick a paint color for our office
9. Get a massage with my gift card
10. Finish the shower repair in the master bathroom
11. Spend the night away with just Mr. B and I
12. Try at least two new recipes
13. Plant shrubs/cactus in Tom's new enclosure
14. Try a new restaurant
Sounds like a great list to keep you buys! Oh and tell your mom Happy Bday for us!!!