Saturday, May 24, 2014


I started testing at 5dp6dt, when the symptoms really started to kick in, and got a negative on my cheapie test and the digital Clear Blue Easy test. I was crushed. I decided to try my FRER test and saw a faint line! I continued testing and the line has darkened each day. Today was beta #1 and it came in at 123. It really worked!!! Our little girl made it! We are beyond happy, and just like with G's pregnancy, it's going to take a while to really sink in. I am completely in shock.

I go back Monday and Wednesday for repeat betas, and then the first ultrasound will be Friday if my beta gets over 1,000 by then. My RE does very early ultrasounds. 



  1. Oh yay!!!! I was hoping no news was good news!!! So excited for you!!!!!!

  2. YAY!!!!! I am sooo excited for you! Kristin

  3. YES!!!! OMG Congratulations!! I have been waiting and praying for this post!!

  4. I am so happy. You have one strong little girl on your hands. Sending love and continued prayers!

  5. Ahhhhhh I'm crying and laughing all at the same time. Congrats, beyond happy for you guys! 123 was my first beta with Jonah :) Grow baby, grow!!!

  6. Yayyyyy! I was getting worried when you hadn't updated in a while, so this just made my day!! So, so happy your baby girl made it. She's been on quite the adventure so far--here's to a healthy 9 more months!!!

  7. OMG congrats, amazing news!!!

  8. Omg CONGRATS!!! This just made my day! Grow baby, grow!
