Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A quick update

IUI #4 is done. Dr. A upped my Follistim dose pretty high so I had a good response. Not as crazy as Grayson's cycle, but good. I am still going to acupuncture, which I am loving, but now it's just a waiting game. How do I feel? Eh. Not very hopeful. I am trying hard to be more hopeful, but it's tough.

The last few days I have done a lot of thinking {what's new, right?} It's crazy to look back at all we have done. Giving myself shots month after month, spending WAY too much time at my RE's office and being poked and prodded more than I would like. All the medications and hormones give me mood swings, they give me aches and pains and nausea, and some of them are just icky. It's intense and, at times, overwhelming. I go about my day-to-day like I always do, but every once in a while I stop and think about all of it. Even with all that's involved, I have never given a second thought to what we are doing. I just do it. I am determined to have children, at least two of them, and I will do whatever I have to to have a chance at that. But dang, what a process. Long gone are the days of "let's have sex and get pregnant!" The good thing is that I have mourned the loss of that chance and moved on. This is our normal now.

My little man turned 18 months yesterday! Crazy how time flies. I'll have his 18 month post up this weekend. I am waiting for his doctor appointment on Friday to get his official stats.



  1. You are in my thoughts and prayers, friend <3 I can't believe G is 18 months old already - that just isn't possible! He is as cute as ever :) :) We are coming up on our year mark of TTC # 2, and it's scary to know that nothing has happened yet :( IF sucks :(

  2. Sending good vibes your way that #4 is the one!! Happy 18 months Grayson!

  3. Hi Megan, I just wanted to say I have just had my first IUI last friday (24th) and I'm in the two week wait......its hell! its the hardest 2ww iv ever had ! i love ur blog ! i have a ttc blog too if you want to check it out!

  4. Thinking and praying for you daily!

  5. Hoping that this is the lucky cycle for you. I also just do it. Nike style :)

  6. My goodness it's been SO long since I have been on your blog! YAY for IUI and boo for trying 4 times! I'm sorry your still dealing with this again :(:( I'm in the same boat! I can't believe how big our boys are though! Grayson is getting so big!!!!

  7. I'm sorry this has been so difficult. I hope #4 is it for you, sending lots and lots of vibes your way!
