Friday, July 27, 2012

39w4d Appointment

I was about 1/2 cm dilated and Dr. L manipulated my cervix to 1 cm. Ummm - ouch. That hurt a lot! Yay for some progress though. Nick and I went to Disneyland with friends last night and all that walking seems to be helping. It sure felt like it did. I am having lots of contractions and sharp pains down low. His head is so low now that she can't feel it externally anymore. Doctors orders: Keep up the walking and have sex :) We are off to Disneyland again tonight.

Due date is Monday. OB appointment scheduled for Friday the 3rd. Induction scheduled for August 6th or 41 weeks exactly. Obviously he could come before that and I'm really hoping he does, but that is the plan.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!



  1. You can try evening primrose oil to help soften your cervix too. Works the same way that semen does with the prostaglandins. My midwife gave me the OK to start it today (I'm 37 weeks). Sorry your little man is being stubborn but I guess he needs more time to bake. I can't believe we're so close to meeting our miracles, Megan!

  2. Eeek! So close! Ditto to the EPO, I've heard it can have pretty good results. Keep walking and hopefully your little guy will get here before you have to be induced! Can't wait to see him. :)
